Exhibition stand etiquette

04 April 2012

You've got a fantastic exhibition stand that shows off your brand and product or service to perfection, but on the day, if your staff sit there on their phones or chatting amongst themselves, it's not going to give a very good impression.


Here are some dos and don'ts regarding exhibition stand etiquette:


DO dress smartly. Unless it's your company uniform or part of your branding, this means no polo shirts or T-shirts, no jeans and no trainers.

DO keep staff on their feet (unless you've a meeting area where they can sit and talk to attendees)- if they're sitting down doing nothing, it's not welcoming and people will be less inclined to come and ask questions.

DON'T let staff use their mobile phones on the stand. Put them on silent and keep them in bags/pockets. If someone absolutely has to make a call, they should go outside.

DO brief your staff thoroughly on why they're there. What do you hope to gain by having an exhibition stand at a certain event? Leads? Networking? Promoting your product?

DO make sure staff are fully briefed on your products and/or services and that they are comfortable taking questions about them.

DON'T let conversations with potential leads carry on too long. You want to meet as many people as possible, so politely, but firmly, draw the conversation to a close.

DO make eye contact.

DO thank people for visiting your stand.

DON'T allow staff to eat or drink on your stand. And ban chewing gum!

DON'T leave items lying around that aren't part of your exhibit. You should be able to store unsightly items like boxes and carrier bags safely out of site. Make sure that you dispose of any rubbish. If you're offering refreshments on your stand, make sure to clean up after attendees, removing cups/glasses and other rubbish.

And finally, DO SMILE!!

 Exhibition stand etiquette does not require much effort, but it's important to follow it, and to keep your stand clean, tidy and engaging. Anything else will certainly not give the right impression.


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