8 tips for reaping the benefits of your exhibition stand

30 May 2012

Intertraffic Exhibition Stand-Stroy Invest



8 Tips for Reaping the Benefits of Your Exhibition Stand

1.       Before the show, make sure your contacts and clients know you're going to be there. Mention it in your newsletters, send out an email specifically letting them know you're there, and blog, Tweet and Facebook it.


2.       Make sure your staff are well briefed, know why they are there and can answer questions about your product or service and its benefits.

3.       Make sure your staff look presentable at all times. If need be, impose a dress code, even if you don't have a strict dress code the rest of the time. This will mean they not only look smart, but that visitors to your stand will instantly be able to see who they need to talk to.

4.       Offer demonstrations of your product at your stand. Show visitors how your product works, and how it can benefit them. Pique people's interest - give them a reason to want to know more.

5.       Don't let your staff sit there talking amongst themselves. Encourage them to chat to visitors, or let them go for a wander and mingle with attendees and other exhibitors.

6.       Check out the competition. One of the main benefits of an exhibition stand is it shows off your brand. Especially if you're at an industry show, the chances are at least one or two of your competitors will also be there. This is a great opportunity to see what they're doing in terms of branding and offering. Naturally, they'll be doing the same to you!

7.       Keep your exhibition stand clean, tidy and clutter-free. If you're offering brochures or samples, make sure they're displayed on racks or tables and not just left lying around. If you're offering refreshments, clean up empties after visitors have left.

8.       FOLLOW UP! It's vital that you follow up on any leads or contacts you may have made at the exhibition. And soon. Do it whilst you're fresh in their minds. Don't leave it a week or more. Otherwise, your prospective leads may have forgotten about you or gone with your competition.


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On 30 May, 2012, jen said:

The exhibition stand above is our client Stroy Invest which we designed and built at the Intertraffic show.



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